Risk Management: Risk Analysis and Control

If you’re distracted by concerns over risk management, RIG safety and risk control advisors will work with you to identify your exposures and help you manage the evolving cost of risk, giving you peace of mind and freedom to focus on the prosperity of your business.​

Components of Risk Management from RIG 

There are two components to RIG risk management: risk analysis and risk control.

Risk Analysis

The RIG risk management team will collaborate with your senior leadership team to analyze your exposures to loss, understand your risk appetite, and develop the appropriate insurance program to protect your company’s assets. The program tailored to your business will include risk mitigation and risk transfer solutions that are mutually agreed upon by your leadership team and the insurance carrier selected to be your solutions provider.

Risk Control

The ongoing phase of your organization’s risk management relationship with RIG will be a comprehensive and evolving risk control plan. You will receive guidance on workplace safety solutions from your RIG risk control advisors who will look ahead to assist your team in predicting future causes of loss. The primary mission of your advisors is to align with your team to help your business achieve its financial goals and protect its assets.

Risk Management Services

Risk management services provided by RIG include: 

  • Cyber defense coaching
  • Active shooter training
  • Safety policy review
  • Cost containment certification management training
  • Claims submission oversight
  • Safety committee formation
  • CDOT procedures assistance
  • OSHA fine recovery
  • Air quality testing
  • Office ergonomics review
  • Toolbox Talk content access
  • Certificates of insurance management
  • Asset schedule and operational procedures review

Talk to a RIG Safety and Risk Control Advisor
