Cyber Insurance for Comprehensive Threat Protection

In the digital age, specialized cyber insurance is non-negotiable. It is the best way to safeguard your business against cyber threats that could lead to financial and reputational fallout.

Cyber insurance coverage from RIG is your first line of defense against a myriad of cyber threats from data breaches to cyberattacks. You’ll benefit from resources and expertise that will enhance the cybersecurity posture of your company or organization to reduce the likelihood that you’ll fall victim to a cyber incident. Your policy will be crafted to provide financial protection and support the recovery of your business in the event of a cyber incident.


Your Cybersecurity Partner

As your cybersecurity partner, the team of experts at RIG is dedicated to understanding the unique cyber risks your business faces and tailoring insurance solutions to provide comprehensive coverage and peace of mind.


Specialized Cyber Insurance Coverage

Cyber insurance from RIG includes these specialty coverages:

Cyber Liability Insurance

Mitigate liability risks with cyber liability insurance. This coverage protects your business from legal expenses and damages arising from data breaches, cyberattacks, and privacy violations, ensuring that your organization can weather legal challenges. 

Data Breach Insurance

In the event of a data breach, specialized data breach insurance helps you navigate the complexities of data compromise. You can receive support for breach response, notification, and credit monitoring services to mitigate the impact on your clients and your business.

Network Security Insurance

Ensure the security of your digital assets with network security insurance. From cyber intrusions to network disruptions, this coverage provides financial support to recover and fortify your network infrastructure. 

Business Interruption Cyber Insurance

Business interruption insurance for cyber incidents ensures that your business can recover swiftly after a cyberattack. You can receive coverage for income loss, extra expenses, and other financial impacts resulting from a cyber incident. 

Privacy Liability Insurance

Protect your clients’ privacy through privacy liability insurance. In the digital landscape, privacy is paramount. This coverage addresses liabilities arising from the mishandling of sensitive information, safeguarding your reputation and client trust.

Ransomware Insurance

Combat the rising threat of ransomware with specialized ransomware insurance. This coverage not only provides financial support for ransom payments but also includes resources to help you recover data and prevent future attacks.

Third-Party Cyber Insurance

Extend your cyber protection beyond your organization with third-party cyber insurance. This coverage addresses liabilities arising from the compromise of third-party data, fostering trust and collaboration with your business partners.

Cyber-Crime Insurance

Guard against sophisticated social engineering attacks with cyber-crime insurance. Our coverage helps your organization recover from financial losses resulting from deceptive tactics used by cybercriminals.

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